The Easiest Quinoa Salad Recipe Ever


This post will be quick because I sort of despise recipe posts that drag on before getting to the actual recipe so let me start off by saying, I have been making this quinoa salad for the last 4 years or so, it’s not my recipe but props to Youtuber Shaycarl + his family for creating this vegan, gluten-free & non-dairy recipe that’s super tasty! After I shared that I was making this dish on my instagram stories, a lot of you mentioned you’d like to make it too! I could only find it in a video format (and the video kind of drags on which is what we’re trying to avoid here in this moment) SO I thought I’d create a post we can all go back to and enjoy for future quinoa creations—enjoy!


Ready in: 25min



2 cups quinoa
3 cups water
1 medium jalapeño pepper
1/2 white onion
4 cloves garlic
1/2 bell pepper
1 can black beans
1 bunch cilantro
3 tomatoes


1/4 cup olive oil
1 tablespoon cumin
2.5 teaspoon salt
2 limes, juiced


  1. Add water, quinoa and a pinch of salt to rice cooker.

  2. While quinoa is cooking, de-seed jalapeño & bell peppers.

  3. Dice up all produce (Tomatoes, bell peppers, jalapeño, cilantro, garlic, onion) and add to large bowl.

  4. Drain and rinse black beans and add to your bowl of chopped produce.

  5. Add all sauce ingredients (olive oil, cumin, salt, lime juice) into a smaller bowl and mix until combined.

  6. Add cooked quinoa, vegetables and sauce to larger bowl and mix well

  7. Season to taste + serve cold.

That’s it for this post! For some extra lifestyle content, keep up to date with me via Instagram or tag me if you end up making the recipe! If video format is easier to learn from, be sure to check out the original recipe video from Shaycarl and his fam!


Instagram: @hey.candace

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