The Weekly Aesthetics

Well, hello there! Long time no outfit post--or any post for that matter.

Two weeks without content is like an eternity for some bloggers. As people who are constantly creating it's weird to be away for more than a few days. Nevertheless I have been gone for a bit, but I've certainly not been on a hiatus. There have been many projects in the works and some that have been happening already, blogging has just had to fall by the wayside for a while, partly because of the side projects and partly because the heat in Portland has been unbearable and I can't stand to be in it for more than a few minutes, let alone take photos for an outfit post.

I did happen to go out on a day where the sun wasn't scorching the Earth. As a matter of fact, it actually rained that day! This meant I got to dress how I wanted--Neutrals & heavy amounts of black. What can I say, I stick to what I know. You're probably shaking your head at the fact that these are iPhone snaps, but I've been capturing a lot with my iPhone lately. If you follow me on Instagram (@heyycandace) then these images may look a bit familiar. I've been really into my Insta-game this week, I've been exploring some more shops, like House of Commons that popped up in the Fall; that's where that plant display snap (above) was taken. I also stopped by NATIONALE, A shop/gallery that was featuring work from Kate Towers, the woman who basically put the city of Portland, and its designers on anyone's fashion radar. I suggest Googling her because she's amazing at what she does.

Once things calm down and events fall a little more into place I'll do a post explaining some of these projects that have been keeping me from blogging. Hopefully some will mesh into this blog so I can at least have more regular content up. Photography has really been the focus these last couple of months. It's definitely something that's becoming more than just a hobby, and with that comes both the positives and negatives, but overall it's exciting and I can't wait to share more!



Summer Shimmers


What's On My iPhone | Photography